Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lifelong Learners and their Habits

I think of myself as a lifelong learner. I can't help it. I'm interested in everything and want to do it all. That's my failing sometimes. I try to do too much. I see areas that I need to work on. I'm strong with attitude and some other learning habits, especially Habit 7 1/2; I know how to play. One area that I can use help with is organizing my own learning toolbox. In this class, I plan to take advantage of the technology tools.

The learning contract seems like an ancient tool; It's been around so long. There must be a reason for that. The learning contract style did help me to formulate a project for my library which I've been wanting to work on for some time. I also decided to use the contract to organize myself in working on a personal goal I've been considering for a while, that is, to become a fluent Spanish speaker.


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